
The Overseas Director He Maixiao made a collective report to Director Yang

On the morning of April 7, professor Yang Wenquan, the dean of School of Humanities, listened to the work report from professor He Maixiao. Professor He is the overseas direcctor of School of Humanities and the dean of China Institute in University of London. The vice dean Gan Lin, the director of International Office Zhao Jing, associate professor Mei Hong and other teachers had attended the meeting.

The Dean Yang expressed the warm welcome and then introduce the recent situations in our school to professor He. Yang mentioned that the Southwest Jiaotong University stands at 36th place in the evaluation from RCCSE of Wuhan University. The transportation majors rank the first, and the civil engineering ranks the eighth.

Professor He mainly reported that he cooperates with University of Notre Dame in America on behalf of School of Humanities. The University of Notre Dame ranks 16th in undergraduate education with good teaching quality. The Dean Yang hoped that professor He could communicate with them to build a Confucius Institute. But professor He expressed that restricted by ideology and religion factors, building Confucius Institute is not an easy thing at present. The associate professor Mei Hong of department of Communication Studies said several teachers’s research points match the research hotpoints about religions in University of Notre Dame.

The vice dean Gan Lin mentioned some points about the cooperative cultivation between two universities.“We hope to build partner relationships with University of Notre Dame and develop the cooperative research. 2+2 or 3+1 model could be adopted for cooperative cultivation”, he said.

Before the ending of the meeting, professor He expressed tha he will perform his duty to help the school expands the foreign communication and cooperation and offer more advantageous resources.
