The second annual meeting for innovation of higher education and Hui Hu International Forum was held in Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University in Suzhou from May 18 to 21, 2017. The teaching case written by professor Xiao Ping from School of Humanities was collected in case book by the sponsor. Professor Xiao and graduate student Chen Jingyuan and Xie Zhidi were invited to attend the meeting and got good gains.
The theme of this meeting is “remolding undergraduate education”, which aims at improving the present traditional spoon-feeding education, and then making a research-oriented education for students. At the time of “13th five-year” and the foundation of “double first-rate” university, people in forefront of the undergraduate education, such as presidents and directors of universities, teachers and experts, shared and exchanged views about how to build best undergraduate education. At present, universities around the world are reflecting on how to improve undergraduate education completely. The foundation o f“double first-rate” in China will offer a big opportunity to remold undergraduate education. The whole meeting was divided into workshop for teaching and management, teaching and innovation contest, the international forum for Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools, the forum for remolding teacher development and elementary education. Several teacher groups from our university won awards and were honored with the best organization. This meeting triggered our thinking and teachers will do further research by reform papers.
It was reported that the participants included Feng Xiaoyun (vice president of SWJTU), J.D.Bone (dean ofBalliol school ofOxford University), Tan Zhemin (vice president of Nanjing University), Ma Luting (director of higher education office inMinistry of Education), Zhu Yongxin (vice president of CSE), etc.