Hlj.rednet.cn is an influential website about online comments in Chinese press circles. The works on it had achieved online comment award of China News Awards. According to statistics from the course“News Comments” offered by School of Humanities in first semester of 2017-2018, there were more than 20 comment works from students of department of communication had published on this website. These works had embodied their independent thinking and critical spirit with sophisticated contents. Student Guo Jiayu had published 6 works, and a comment from student Huang Zhiyuan had been reproduced by other online media like netease.com and sogou.com.
These achievements had benefited from the change of the course assessment. In this course, teacher attempted to reform the teaching method with flipped classroom which regards student as the centre. Especially the assessment had been changed, and process assessment was emphasized as well. Student can get more points by publishing comment works, which could improve their enthusiasm and comprehensive capacity.
Some of the comment work links are as below:
//hlj.rednet.cn/c/2017/11/01/4461301.htm //