During October 21 to 22, the 6th International Conference on Narratology and the 8th National Seminar on Narrtology was held in Shanghai International Studies University. Professor Wang Changcai from our School attended this conference.
The society of Narrtology of China Association for Sino-foreign Literature and Art theory is the top-level academic body for narrtology research in China. Its international conference is held every two years. More than 200 scholars from China and foreign countries had attended this conference, which included several western theorists such as James Phelan, John Pier, Alison Booth, Peter Hajdu, Richard Walsh, Liesbeth Korthals Altes, Francoise Lavocat and some famous Chinese scholars like Shen Dan and Fu Xiuyan. During the two-day conference, discussions among participants had focused on frontier theory of narratology, interdisciplinary research in narratology, theoretical comparison from home and abroad, theory construction and development in Chinese narratology field.
In the section of frontier theory of narratology, professor Wang made a statement named why unnatural narratology is unnatural——from three discussions about the theory of unnatural narratology, and discussed with other scholars.