
Professor Xing Wen Talked about Mathematics and Arts in Age of AI

On January 12, 2018, professor Xing Wen fromInstitute of Philosophy and History of School of Humanities had given a lecture about humanities and arts in the age of AI for strong response from teachers and students. The party secretary Xiang Zhongmin, professor Lv Pengzhi, professor Xiao Ping, professor Wang Changcai and other scholars and graduate students had turned up. The lecture was hosted by Mr. Xiang. The lecture was divided into three main parts: Digital humanities and mathematical humanities, Fractal and Humanities in the age of AI.

Artificial Intelligence is a popular field which has got a high degree of concern from society to academic.The autodidacticism of intelligent robots has already been introduced to calligraphy andpoetry composition. Fractal has been widely applied in mathematics and arts field. We can achieve the more exact way tonon-integer dimension throughcomputer technology and fractal theory. Meanwhile, it offers a new mathematical thread to understand humanities and arts. Actually, this kind of thinking had appeared in the world ancient civilization for a long time. For instance, the Sierpinski gasket was regarded as beautiful ornamentation by ancient people. The same sight can also be used in music, photography, paintings and so on from professor Xing’s introductions. Mr. Jobs had referred many times about the relationship between technology and humanities like "Technology alone is not enough. It's technology married with the liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields us the results that make our hearts sing." Professor Xing considered that humanities should not ignore the importance of mathematics, and Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence can bepositive interaction in this age.

This lecture lasted for 138 minutes, which had generated interest among teachers and students. At this point, the series lecture activity of this semester had come to a successful conclusion.