Shi Lei
doctoral supervisor
Dean og the School of Humanities
Director of New Media and Culture Research Center (provincial key Think Tank)
He was honored as the Excelnt Talent of the New Century by the Ministry of Education, committee member of College Teaching Steering Committee of Ministry of Education (news and communication, theatre and film), “Leading Talent of National News and Publish Filed” of State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, Sichuan Tianfu Ten Thousand Talents Project. Leading Talent of Tianfu Culture, Science and Technology Leader of Sichuan Province, Expert of Excellence with outstanding contribution of Sichuan Province, member of Expert Appraisal (Review) Commeetti of Sichuan Province. He was once the Vice Dean of Graduate School at Southwest Jiaotong University (minister-lever), Dean of School of News and Communication at Sichuna Normal University, Deputy Director of Political News Department. Critics and Theory Deaprtment of Sichuan Daily, Deputy Director of Social News Deaprtment. Sport Deaprtment of Sichuan Daily, Deputy Editor of Tianfu Morning Post, Vice Dean of Media Study Institure of Sichuan Newspaper Company and Editor-in-chief of Press Circles, Deputy Director of Press Section of Sichuan Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department.
Shi Lei, once won the Second Award of Excellent Achievements in Humanities and Social Science of Ministry of Education (Sole Author), a Second and a Third Award of the Sixth Outstanding Achievement Award of Social Science Research by Ministry of Education, the Third Award of National Radio and Television Academic Papers Competition, 3 Second and 1 Third Awards of Outstanding Achievement Awards of Sichuan Provincial Social Science Research. The major projects of the national social science and key projects he participated in won the First Award of Outstanding Achievement Award of Social Science Research by Ministry of Education and the First Award of Sichuan Provincial Outstanding Achievement Award of Social Science Research. He also won over 20 prizes of news awards like China News Award and Sichuan Provincial News Awards. 2 projects of the national social science fund, 2 projects of Ministry of Education and 1 provincial project of social science fund are hosted by him. The first batch of outstahnding news and communication talents educating project of Sichuan Province is also hosted by him. 5 monographs and 2 textbooks wroten by him were publilished. He has supervised a set of textbooks and he was also the editor committee of 3 books. And his sole monograph Introduction to New Media was selected as “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” planned undergrate textbook. He was also the lecturer of provincial excellent course “Introduction to New Media”. More than 40 academic papers by Shi Lei were published on authorized core journals, CSSCI and core journals, many of which have been copied and transferred by Xinhua Degist and newspaper of Renmin University of China. Shi Lei has published millions of news works, and was the member of Editorial Board of news report collection (14 volumns, 6,700,000 words) for Wenchuan earthquake. He led to set Art and Media Ph.D Program in Southwest Jiaotong University, and led to apply and get China’s first first-level master’s program for Drama and Film and 4 Master of Fine Arts(MFA)programs, namely, Drama, Opera, Film, Radio and Television approved in Sichuan Formal University. Also there, he helped to get the first batch of Internet and New Media undergraduate program approved in China, and got the right to review the first batch of Senior staff in Drama and Film program.